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Google AdSense

Google Adsense Tips

The online advertising market is going to grow to $18.9 billion in 2010 according to Jupiter Research. That means we are going to add $1.5 billion a year in advertising to the Internet. That money needs to go somewhere and I think blogs could take 10%-20% of that. 

There is a significant inventory drawback on the web and therefore the reason that Google has done this well is that they're spreading that cash out over many
thousands of sites that carry Google AdSense.

 So I hope you have understood what is the possibility of improving your AdSense revenue. Just follow the steps below and I hope you will be on the right track. 

  1.  Do not do anything that is strictly prohibited in the Google AdSense Program Policy and Terms and Condition.
  2. Add maximum two search box, three ad unit, one ad link and two referral button per page
  3. Make Your Ads Look Like Normal Content
  4. Choose Right Ad Formats
-       Use one leaderboard 728 x 90 text ad at the end of the article.
-       Use one medium rectangle 300x250 text ad at the middle of page somewhere among texts.
-       Use skyscraper 120x600 at the side column of your article.-       Try to avoid the banner ad format.

 Google Adsense

       5Link Units

-         Use a vertical link unit on the top-left side where your all-important navigation links are.
-         Use a horizontal link unit under the logo of your site. 

. 6      Use  Section Targeting For Relevant Ads

Section targeting permits you to counsel a section of your content that you want to emphasize or downplay once matching ads to your site's content.
It will assist you to up your ad targeting.
Just add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code which will mark the beginning and end of whichever section you'd like to emphasize or downplay for
ad targeting and use it for as several sections of a page as you prefer.
The hypertext mark-up language tags to emphasise a page section take the subsequent format:
<!-- google_ad_section_start --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->

      7. for brief articles, CTR is best once ads area unit placed simply on top of the content
   .8     Don't place ads in pop-up windows, error pages or even empty pages
. 9      Use Channels And Experiment. There is no alternative to this. You may get the best result in experimenting on what would be the right tips for improving your Adsense earnings.. 10     Provide less links on the page


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