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إعلان الرئيسية

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Withdrawal of Zantac from the market

Withdrawal of Zantac from the market: the possibility of impurities that cause cancer

The Ministry of Health and Population, represented by the Central Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs, has decided to withdraw the Zantac operator and Afar in all its forms and concentrations from the pharmaceutical market and stop the circulation of all pharmaceutical forms containing ranitidine based on the report of the World Health Organization that there may be carcinogenic impurities in this Effective Material.

The pamphlet issued by the Department of Pharmacy, to withdraw all operations from the market until it is proved that they do not contain carcinogenic impurities.

The FDA confirmed that some drugs containing ranitidine, including some products known as the brand-name Zantac, contain nitrosamine impurities called Nnitrosodimethylamine NDMA at low levels where NDMA is classified as a potential human carcinogen. It can cause cancer) based on laboratory test results.

NDMA is known as a known environmental pollutant and is found in water and foods, including meat, dairy products, and vegetables. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been investigating NDMA and other nitrosamine impurities in blood pressure and heart failure drugs called angiotensin II receptor blockers since last year, in the case of ARBs. The FDA recommended several recoveries because it detected unacceptable levels of nitrosamine. When the agency identifies a problem, it quickly takes appropriate action to protect patients, and the FDA evaluates whether low levels of NDMA in ranitidine pose a risk to patients. The FDA will publish this information when available.

Patients should be able to be confident that their medications are as safe as possible and that the benefits of taking them outweigh any risk to their health, although NDMA may cause significant harm, the levels found by FDA in ranitidine from initial tests barely exceed The amounts you might expect to find in common foods. Ranitidine is an over-the-counter medicine used to treat acidity and ranitidine is an H2 inhibitor, which reduces the amount of acid produced by the stomach. Ranitidine has been approved for over-the-counter use to prevent and reduce heartburn associated with acid and sour stomach intake. Ranitidine prescription has been adopted for several indications, including treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal ulcers and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The agency confirmed that it was working with international regulators and industry partners to identify the source of these impurities in ranitidine. The agency will provide more information when available.

The FDA has made it clear that it does not invite individuals to stop taking ranitidine at this time; however, prescription patients who wish to discontinue use should talk to their healthcare professional about other treatment options.
People taking Ranitidine OTC can consider using other OTC approved drugs for their condition, and there are many drugs on the market that have been approved for the same or similar uses such as ranitidine.

She called on consumers and health care professionals to report any adverse reactions with ranitidine to the FDA MedWatch program to help the agency better understand the scope of the problem.

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