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How to become a successful YouTuber
 (10 tips that will put you ahead)

10 tips to become a successful YouTuber
الربح من الانترنت

How to become a successful YouTuber is a question many Arab youths ask these days, which is really a question that deserves to be asked in-depth. Not every YouTube channel owner is a successful YouTube and not everyone who can even make a profit from YouTube is a successful YouTube.

You also won't be a successful YouTuber by uploading a YouTube video and getting a bunch of views! 

In this article, I will put in your hands a set of points that make the difference between a successful and professional Youtuber, and anyone else amateur or focused on profiting from YouTube in crooked ways. 

So if your idea of ​​working as a YouTube publisher is to steal others' videos, make edits to them and then publish them again, I advise you not to read this article. 

This article is written specifically for every ambitious young Arab who wants to become a successful YouTuber by offering something worth the time of viewers.

To become a successful YouTuber follow these tips

1- Study well the laws and terms of use of YouTube and avoid breaking them

You are wondering how Youtuber has become successful, meaning you want to continue on this platform and strive for greater success and development. Of course, that's great. My first advice for you is to start by reading YouTube's usage policies, studying them well, and avoiding breaking them under any circumstances.

It is very simple, the publisher on YouTube is like someone who wants to live in a new country, and wants to be a family and flourish and grow in this country, and this, of course, must study and understand the laws of this country and avoid breaking it, so as to ensure his survival in this country.

Despite the simplicity and intuition of this point, many Arab YouTube publishers do not observe it, which makes them stumble a lot on the way, and often wake up to unpleasant news such as: deleting videos and closing channels by YouTube management.

No wonder you see the most popular topics raised by Arab youth in the forums or on social media talking about how to bypass the property rights of others, re-use of others' videos, how to recover deleted videos or channels, search for fake watch programs… etc.

Just a couple of days ago, I received a message from one of the winning followers, in which he wanted my opinion on one of the deceptive ways to get fake YouTube views and the thing that laughed me is that he calls this method "the idea of ​​starting a small business."

Perhaps this is frustrating for some, but this is the fact that you have to deal with it, anyway I am not here to bring this subject to everyone, but I only address it to those who seriously ask how to become a Youtuber? The first rule is that the real YouTube who wants to succeed on YouTube must respect the terms, policies, and laws of YouTube.

Below is one of the great videos produced by Google itself, which will give you an excellent idea of ​​Google's content policies on all of its platforms in general, and on YouTube in particular. I recommend you watch this video now, then keep reading.

Note: The video is in English but by activating the subtitle and explanation feature you will be able to get Arabic subtitles for the video.

Of course, the video will give you an excellent idea of ​​YouTube's policies in just two minutes, but that is not enough. To become a professional YouTube you need to review all the terms of the policies and security of YouTube, through the link below.

2 - Learn from the sources of YouTube itself

Let's agree on something very intuitive: YouTube is a for-profit site, its main goal is to achieve the highest rate of profit, and to achieve the highest rate of profit it needs more users, and to attract more users it needs more good and attractive videos.

What is the main source of uploading videos on the YouTube platform? Of course, they are publishers and you're supposed to be one of them or plan to be.

The more successful and professional YouTubers (who offer good, valuable and engaging content), the more YouTube you can make.

Obviously, YouTube is the site most interested in you, and it is the site that is most keen on your growth, development, and success.

This is not theoretical, YouTube has a special platform to serve the creator education and development, and make them more successful, this platform is called the Creator Academy or YouTube Creator Academy.

This platform is available in Arabic, and contains dozens of useful lessons and divided into training courses in an orderly and professional.

You can access them through the link below:

Of course, this is not at all incompatible with the continuous winners and access to the topics he offers about YouTube

3. Know your audience well

In fact, a lot treats this point as if it is automatically achieved according to the content that is presented, who is talking in his channel about the recipes of food is intuitively aimed at those looking for recipes for food. This is why many people are not interested in knowing the public more deeply.

In fact, knowing the audience is more than just providing content that matters to some people on YouTube.

It should be noted here that the audience should be defined in general when choosing the channel idea and the nature of the target audience, and should be made especially when making each new video.

Here are some key points to keep in mind to understand your audience:

  • Entertainment in exchange for learning and doing things the person you are directing your videos is someone looking for entertainment, or about doing something like learning something new or knowing specific information? Of course, this will affect the length of the video, the way it is displayed, etc.
  • Females vs. MalesIs your target audience female or male? You should keep in mind that the female sees the world differently than the male!
  • Average ages what is the average age of your target audience, and how this will affect how you view your video?
  • The goal of viewing you every time you publish a new video that you ask yourself about the purpose of viewing. Let's assume you have a YouTube channel about travel and tourism. Then you can ask yourself:
    Does the target audience in this video just want to know some information about a country, or want to compare two tourist countries, or did it really decide to start making reservations?

  • Understanding the purpose of the audience viewing will make you more professional and reliable in delivering the right content.
There are, of course, other factors, but I don't want to go any further. The important thing here is to remember the bottom line.

4-Take quality as your logo

Always make your logo the quality, the quality of your videos is the first determinant on which success depends. Don't invest any time, effort, or money in making your channel content more quality.

Quality here includes 4 main themes:

Quality of content

Yes in our Arab region, there is still a lot of quality videos, but this will not last long, due to the entry of new competitors who can provide more quality content.

It is worth mentioning here that quality does not mean specialization in scientific and cultural fields, but even comedy videos can become better quality, as long as they are performed more professional and respectful to the public.

Image quality

You have to make every effort and use all outside help, whether people or tools to produce your videos in the best possible quality in terms of image purity, lighting control ... etc.

sound quality

is a point that many novice YouTubers ignore or ignore. The sound element is as important as the image element. Take care to record high-quality audio at an appropriate level to make it clear to your audience.

Quality montage

The quality of the product is the element without which everything will become useless. You can do a lot of effort, shooting and producing great content, but this will not be complete without taking out this video in the best possible format.

    Also, read:

5- Learn the basics of configuration in search engines (YouTube SEO)

As well as being a social networking site specializing in videos, YouTube is also a search engine and is second only to Google as the largest search engine on the Internet.

To get natural visitors to your videos, through YouTube, you need to learn the basics of SEO.

It is worth mentioning here that Google has recently shown a lot of videos in the search results, and this means that by improving the SEO of your videos you will get views through Google as well.

Here are the key points to consider to optimize your videos for search engines:

1. Keywords

Creating videos based on search rates for specific keywords is the first step to getting visitors naturally. The higher the search rate for a keyword, the more motivated it is to make a video around it to get natural views (this, of course, taking into account the level of competition).

I assume here that you already own a YouTube channel, and this channel is specialized in a certain area, and be according to our previous example of travel and tourism.

In this case, what is the criterion that makes you think that making a video about the effects of Egypt first and more important than making a video about the resorts of Sharm El Sheikh? Mostly beginners YouTubers rely on the frequency of ideas randomly and thoughtfully.

But a successful YouTuber should plan the content according to search rates, which reflects how users are interested in certain topics versus others.

I would like to draw attention quickly to two very important points here:

The first point: creating videos based on keyword search is very important under any circumstances, even in case of heavy competition for the keyword and difficult to reach the first results, there is still the advantage that your channel contains audience videos interested in, and when this audience reaches your channel In any other way it will find content that is interested and looking for.

To avoid a strong competition point for general keywords, you can target the long-tail keywords. Assuming the same example as our previous example of the travel and tourism channel, you can instead target the keyword “Antiquities of Egypt” target the word “Antiquities of Egypt in Aswan”.

Second: another strategy - other than targeting keywords with high search rates - enables you to get views from search engines YouTube and Google, which is targeting popular topics at a particular time (Trends).

I will not elaborate on this point because I have addressed it in detail and my work example in a separate article before, which can be accessed from the link below.

To find the search rate for any keyword you can use one of these tools:

These are the most important places where you should place the keyword in your video, to be ready to appear in search results for that keyword:

The title of the video

should be video content that is attractive and interesting, and most importantly, it must contain the target keyword.

  • Video description is a very important element that works alongside the video title. Write an accurate description of your videos with the most important words and phrases used in the search. Pay particular attention to the first three lines in your video description.
  • TagsYour video should contain the most important tags that express it and the content in it, which of course should contain the keyword, but avoid placing tags that are not compatible with the video content.
  • The video itself includes the keyword clearly in your video, but avoid making it look like something that makes the viewer feel alienated. For example, in one video you will talk about “Cheapest Good Hotels in Turkey” It is natural that you will mention the keyword at the beginning of the video and during the video more than once. So it just takes you some intelligence to write the video script, and employ the mention of the keyword thoughtfully.

2. Video quality

Do not forget that we are still talking about improving your videos to search engines as one of the points to answer the question "How to become a Youtuber?", We talked above about the keyword factor in detail, and this is the second factor, the quality of the video.

We have already talked about quality at the top and we have addressed it as an independent point and a very important factor in your success. So just here I will note that YouTube now has all the possibilities to measure the level of image and sound quality of each video that is attached to the platform, which obviously wants to achieve the highest level of satisfaction for its users.

So don't expect your video to show up in search results if it's poor quality.

2. Interact with video

Let's agree that a giant like YouTube with all its artificial intelligence and powerful software and technological capabilities - will not be fooled and show your video in the search results only because it contains the keyword being searched, so it closely monitors how the audience interacts with your channel and what Videos.

    These are the most important indicators of audience engagement that indicate the quality of your channel and videos: 
  • The number of channel subscribers The greater the number of channel subscribers, the more indicative of the quality of the channel, but the scope of the channel and the level of specialization, and therefore the size of the target audience is taken into account. A channel for an international singer differs from a channel for teaching graphic design. The age of the channel is also taken into account.
  • The number of videos in the channel The more videos the channel has, the more this is an indication of the seriousness of the channel and its desire to continue and this is taken into account positively, but this indicator is linked to the next indicator!
  • The number of views per videoThe more views your old videos have, the more new videos will have more confidence and the chance of getting normal views, but this indicator is related to the next indicator.
  • Length viewing:  your video length of 10 minutes and got 10 thousand watches, and the average length of one seen 30 seconds, this is a negative indicator.
    You have another video that is 6 minutes long, has 6,000 views, and an average of 4 minutes, that's a positive sign.
  • Impression versus dislike is a clear point like the sun. The more videos you get, the more positive this is, provided that the number of likes does not exceed a certain percentage.
  • The number of video viewers who subscribed to the channel during or after watching the video, one of they watched a video on your channel and then subscribed to the channel, an indication that the video is good, and this prompted the user to subscribe to the channel to get more of these good videos.
  • Negative reporting and YouTube reporting accurately investigate every communication a user does about any channel or video. Remember that the first point of answering the question of how YouTube became successful was “carefully study YouTube's terms and conditions and avoid breaking them”

6. Make every video in your channel aim to help your audience in something

Helping others is something that makes us feel happy and comfortable, but it is for you CutiWater is not the traditional form of help idea. The point is to make a positive goal behind every video you have on your channel, and this applies to all types of channels, whatever your specialty.

Even the comedy channels in which each video should be aimed: help the audience to entertain, laugh and enjoy.

You might think this is self-evident, but the fact is that many channel owners are ignoring this point.

Their videos contain a lot of stuffing, sometimes self-centered, and trying to draw attention without prioritizing audience assistance.

Remember, viewers are smart enough to discover that your videos are really meant to help them, or is not your top priority. Make helping your viewers the primary purpose of every video you post, and you'll get significantly better results.

7. Sustainability and sustainability are critical

Create a plan and timeline that you can commit to posting new content on your YouTube channel. Making a high-quality video on your channel is great, but keeping new videos on your channel is cool.

A video per week may be appropriate for many, but if you can post more than one video per week, it will help your channel grow faster.

Always get YouTube video ideas, implement them without hesitation and keep producing more and more.

Maybe at first, you will find it difficult to get views, because no one knows you. Also, the process of creating a video will be slow because you have no experience or practice at first, and this may frustrate you!

So you should always keep in mind that everything will become easier and faster over time. You will gain experience and skill that will make you produce videos faster, and your channel will also start gaining followers over time, making your videos easier to see over time.

The important thing here is to continue to give as long as you have something worth it.

8-Learn from other YouTubers, but avoid affecting your uniqueness

Competitors and renowned publishers in your field represent a great opportunity to learn and you should make the most of it. Competitors are a great source of inspiration to get ideas for new videos for your channel and to borrow some techniques in filming and directing.

But remember to not merge too much into what others are doing, make the mistake of imitating them, lose your identity, and become a copy of another.

Be open to the ideas of others, but be special and add a touch, so that the results come and what distinguishes others, but unique and different from any other YouTuber.

Also, collaborating with other YouTubers will make it much easier for you to succeed. At first, you don't have to try to collaborate with big whales or even competitors, but you can find opportunities to collaborate with channels, not in your channel's specialty but there is a link between them.

The collaboration here takes a lot of pictures of them:

  • Make a joint video with one of the most prominent YouTubers (you can get this opportunity by distinguishing you in an element that others need).
  • Agree with a channel to suggest one of your videos to their audience, and in return, you do so too.
  • Agree with a channel to post one of your videos on their social media pages and you do that too.
Many other ideas can be used to benefit from the effectiveness of collaboration with another YouTuber.

9. You must market your videos

Creating good, authentic content with a value that focuses on helping the viewer will not work as long as you ignore your video marketing.

Marketing is an essential element in everything that happens online. Marketing yourself as a professional YouTuber, through your personal social media pages may be one aspect of your marketing efforts.

But you need to expand your marketing efforts even further, perhaps creating your channel pages on social media, and creating some advertising campaigns gives you a start.

Also, do not forget that you can make paid ads on YouTube itself, get more paid views, and of course this will greatly help your channel grow and inform the public of what you offer.

10 - Learn from the analysis tool provided by YouTube

To access the YouTube analytics tool, follow these steps (assuming you use YouTube in Arabic):

1- Go to YouTube homepage

2. Make an account switch to enter the channel for which you want to get statistics.

You can do this by clicking on the Account icon in the top right, then clicking the Switch Account option, and selecting the channel you want, as shown in the image below.

10 tips to become a successful YouTuber
10 tips to become a successful YouTuber  

3. Click again on the channel icon in the top right, then select YouTube Studio (beta), as shown in the image below.

10 tips to become a successful YouTuber
الربح من الانترنت 2019

4. Click the Statistics button in the menu on the right, as shown below.
10 tips to become a successful YouTuber
اهم طرق الربح من اليوتيوب

With YouTube stats, you can see all your channel data. You'll find plenty of accurate data, from which you can make critical decisions for your success.

You can measure the performance of each video individually, in terms of the number of new subscribers to the channel, and the number of unsubscriptions. You can also see the source of views, the average number of minutes spent per video, and lots of other data.

Where you can make new videos more efficient and engaging for your audience.

In the end, I hope this topic is really useful for you and helps you answer the question “How to become a successful YouTube?”.
Do not forget to share this topic with everyone who wishes it needs it!

 Also, read: 

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